Personal Services

Unmatched Financial Services in London

If you require expert advice in wealth planning, get in touch with the team at Farley & Partners Ltd in London.

Helping you achieve your personal financial goals

Planning for our financial future is something that we all know we should do, but tend to avoid. 

With multiple career changes, pension uncertainties and the likelihood of inheritance tax, it has become more important than ever that we seek holistic financial advice.

At Farley & Partners Ltd, we will work with you to consider your investment portfolio, your pension arrangements and your estate planning to ensure that you maximise your wealth, if you wish to protect it for future generations.
Outsourcing services
financial assistance

Make your future financially secure

Do you need advice on retirement planning or filing your tax returns?  We can help. Our financial advisors will work with you  to provide expert advice in all areas of personal finance. We are always on hand to guide and help you choose the right solution that works best for you.

We aim to help you protect your assets by providing impartial advice on your investments, savings, pensions and retirement.
tax planning

We can help you with:

  • Personal tax planning
  • Investments
  • Retirement strategies
  • Estate planning
  • Trusts and executorships
  • Self-assessment
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